Eve’s Sisters
Book Details
About the Book
In this compilation of essays demonstrating the application of psychological and spiritual principles to the women of the Bible, the reader will soon see the similarities between the lives of Biblical women and those of today. Just like 21st century “Eves,” some are wise, brave, and faithful, and others are conniving, imprudent, and downright disagreeable.
Then and now, women struggle with emotions, relationships, and personal choice as they navigate their way through life. Eve and her sisters felt apprehension, jealously, and self-doubt. And like us, many squared their shoulders and faced their fears head on. With its themes of love, faith, individuality, and fulfillment, the Bible can actually be seen as a self-help book.
Don’t underestimate the power of these women who lived generations ago to reach across time and culture to touch our lives.
A semi-retired educator with a background in psychology, Jayne is the author of four blogs and has published articles/stories in Guideposts, The Petigru Review, and two LDS magazines, the Liahona and the Ensign. She has also written two books, Human Relations in Industry and Musings of a Missionary Mom.
About the Author
The author of four blogs, Jayne has published articles in Guideposts and the Ensign and written two books, Musings of a Missionary Mom (2007) and Human Relations in Industry (1989) Semi-retired, she can often be found walking along a Carolina coastline. Meet the author and read her blogs at www.jaynebowers.com.