Finishing Life Strong
Issues and Inspiration for Those in the Second-Half of Life!
Book Details
About the Book
With forty percent of people in the U.S. now over fifty years of age, millions of baby boomers and beyond are facing new challenges and choices as they journey through the second-half of life. This study guide helps to provide answers to the pressing issues that those in the second-half of life find themselves dealing with. Included in this guide is information about: Raising Grandchildren-over 6 million children live with grandparents. Dealing with Depression-the most common illness found among Second-Halfers Surviving the Death of a Spouse-the number one cause for stress Finding love a second time-read about couples who found spouses on the internet Health, Finance, Scams, and other important Retirement issues Making sense out of life by developing a “Lifetime Message” From 82 year old Marlene who is raising her great granddaughter to 95 year old Nola Ochs, America’s oldest college graduate to 93 year old youth pastor Howard Fox, true stories from the lives of second-halfers who have experienced both tragedy and triumph are interwoven throughout the lessons. If you are new to the “second half” or have been traveling this road a long time you will find yourself laughing, crying, learning, and being encouraged at God’s plan for every person…regardless of age. If you have a PULSE, you have a PURPOSE and whether you use this guide in a small group, a Sunday School class, or as an individual study, you can find inspiration and hope. YOU can FINISH LIFE STRONG! Looking for inspiration and hope? This book is for you. You will find numbers of practical and helpful suggestions to get you on the road to a whole new life of excitement in your second half. …from the foreward, Ken Horn Editor Pentecostal Evangel!
About the Author
John Heide is an Assembly of God U.S. Missionary to those in the second-half of life! He works with churches across the nation helping to develop strategies and programs to reach the baby boomer and beyond generations! With his wife Judy they lead second-halfers on mission trips and community outreaches.