Three Years Before
Odd bits of jewelry become cushions to touch for decision to forego past of accumulations and
memories of years of marriage and family. Boxes of necklaces and fancy earrings or lapel pins
lay about. Fern meets with Sylvii at Carole’s apartment and joins discussions in apartment on
fourth floor weeks ago.
“These broaches with colorful glass beads feel like happier times in hand,” said our
mutual friend, Fern from our suburban street.
“I think if you feel like wearing any of these, please let me gift them to you now,” said
Carole. “Personal items as these bits of jewellery never will be in Faith’s hands now.”
“I did enjoy making you these earrings Carole,” Sylvii said. “Even Faith seemed to share
interest in crafting together. I guess she assumes more loyalty to become the thief she became
likewise as Robert do instead of our friendship. I believe Faith’s or Robert’s assumptions doubt
you and I together as friends form response to their actions and instead become children of
such odd behaviors instead of as thieves, and out-of-character.”
“I know,” said Carole. “Even so I wish I had never moved here. What happened
yesterday at the bank, Fern, when the financial adviser told us my children stole my money like
thieves make it seem like the worst thing, so I wish I had never moved here. Both Faith and
Robert’s antagonism with Alain explained away often by Alain as the way things seem to be. I
tried to make things fine, but they never were. At one time we were going to stay in Nebraska
and forget about Missouri. Alain’s dream of relocating to some sort of childhood fantasy in
Missouri felt like good times since both Faith and Robert moves to Missouri years before.
Both enjoyed great careers in Missouri’s Conservation offices.”
Sylvii said, “Your home here you seemed to enjoy before moving you and Alain into this
apartment. You know gardening and such keeps us happy. Visitors from France loved being with
you and Alain in your home. Your house parties and meals together with company always
exceptional Carole.”
“Do you want to return to Nebraska or France?” Sylvii said.
Shaking her head, “I think travel abroad to France may help. I came from France, and
Alain and I loved our trips back to visit few relatives.”
“Where do you keep your passport, Carole? You did seem happy with friends and home
in our quiet neighborhood,” Sylvii said.
“Alain kept our passports in our safety deposit box at our bank. I must retrieve them from
somewhere Robert or Faith have put them or apply for new passport. I can go to French
Consulate to apply for passport from France if I must depart United States. Robert emptied the
safety deposit box at the bank after Alain passed away. My passport seems to be missing.”
“Sylvii. Alain need never to be treated as he was by Robert and Faith. He deserved their
kindness, support through his health crises and respect from everyone. Those two tormented
Alain with constant criticism,” Carole said. “After moving to our apartment we both believed
circumstances might improve, but the move escalated circumstances, and now we know for sure
with all our savings being taken.”
“Alain’s health was poor, and Public Health met at hospital with us and Faith and
Robert. I have little understanding about how Public Health operates. Antagonism towards Alain
and I continuing to enjoy our home in independent style confronted Public Health beliefs of
supportive medical or day-to-day amenities of supportive lifestyles into leaving and making
adjustments for apartment lifestyle. We had to downsize from our suburban home to apartment
building with options of extra services. Before we moved, Alain bought me a new automatic
washing machine. Now I never feel like washing any clothes at all.”
“In our recent visit before Alain became ill, Alain admitted Faith and Robert press him
for Power of Attorney but only for medical-related issues. He told me he thought he manages to
keep this Power of Attorney for medical issues only, and kept Faith and Robert separate from
your own finances Carole,” Sylvii said.
“Yes. Alain tried to share any wisdom for managing the decision for Faith or Robert
taking over of responsibilities for our finances for medical reasons in their plans in Power of
Attorney when his health seemed fine even before moving into our apartment. Moving from
Nebraska to Missouri became our nightmare with both Faith and Robert living nearby in area,”
Carole said.
“I will take you to my personal attorney to ask for help. Will you join me tomorrow
Carole? Fern you are welcome to join us as well for support,” Sylvii said.
“No,” Fern said, “and keeping quiet distances away but with knowledge of your progress
creates an opportunity for me to be helpful in an objective fashion, offer advice, and be nearby
too for any help I can offer.”
“Yes,” Carole said.
Sylvii said, “After we met at bank, Fern, Carole and I call state police. The officer took
call and information about our meeting at the bank and results and of Carole, a friend, who asks
me to call police on her behalf. I said she is very upset. The police officer on phone said he took
my information in our phone call and someone from state district attorney’s office soon to be in
touch. We have heard nothing since.”
Sylvii went on and said, “Anyway, I decide to call Faith. Wallace thought calling Faith
might clear up some of this mess. Was their Mom’s money reinvested, or was there a plan
that we are unsure about? She always seems like a friend important in our son, Gabriel and
life too. Between visits with you, sometimes we had coffee together and Faith often
asked after Gabriel. Faith seems to admire Gabriel for moving across United States to go to
colleges in Alabama and Wisconsin. I thought of Faith as close friend.”