Sun Yat-sen
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Chinese politician, physician, and revolutionary (1866–1925) | |||||
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Date of birth | 12 November 1866 Cuiheng (Qing Dynasty) | ||||
Date of death | 12 March 1925 Peking Union Medical College Hospital (Republic of China) | ||||
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English: Sun Yat-sen(中文正體︰孫中山、孫文、孫逸仙;November 12, 1866–March 12, 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary leader and statesman who is considered to be the "Father of Modern China".
Polski: Sun Jat-sen (ur. 12 listopada 1866, zm. 12 marca 1925) – chiński działacz polityczny, rewolucjonista.
中文(臺灣):孫文(1866年11月12日 - 1925年3月12日)是近代中國的民主革命家,中華民國國父,中國國民黨總理,廣東香山縣(今中山市)人;孫文流亡日本時曾化名中山樵,後人慣以中山先生相稱;而其由漢文教師區鳳墀牧師則依粵語諧音改其教名為逸仙,這亦是其英文名字Yat-sen的由來。
中文(中国大陆):孙文(1866年11月12日 - 1925年3月12日)是近代中国的民主革命家,中华民国国父,中国国民党总理,广东香山县(今中山市)人;孙文流亡日本时曾化名中山樵,后人惯以中山先生相称;而其由汉文教师区凤墀牧师则依粤语谐音改其教名为逸仙,这亦是其英文名字Yat-sen的由来。
中文:這是孫中山先生年輕時的照片。English: The photo of the young time's Sun Yat Sen.
中文:這是孫中山先生父親孫達成的照片。English: The photo of Sun Dacheng, the father of Sun Yat Sen.
中文:這是孫中山先生母親楊太夫人的照片。English: The photo of Elderly Lady Yang, the mother of Sun Yat Sen.
中文:這是孫中山先生17歲時的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen at 17 years old.
中文:這是孫中山先生與其首任妻子盧慕貞、兒子孫科、女兒孫娫、孫婉的合照。English: The photo of the Sun Yat Sen with her wife Lu Muzhen, his son Sun Ke and his daugthers Sun Yan and Sun Wan.
中文:這是孫中山先生在中央書院的註冊記錄,孫帝象是其當時用的名字。English: The record of the name Sun Yat Sen,then as Sun Tai Tseung, in the register of students of the Central School.
中文:這是孫中山先生於1887年9月轉學香港西醫書院後與其同學的合照。English: The photo of the Sun Yat Sen with his schoolmates in the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong, to which he was transferred in September 1887.
中文:這是孫中山先生在香港西醫書院讀書時用過的詞典的照片。English: The photo of the dictionary used by Sun Yat Sen in the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong.
中文:孫中山先生在香港西醫書院讀書時經常與照片中數人暢談反清抱負,抨擊時政,被友人戲稱為四大寇。English: The photo of the Sun Yat Sen and his friends, so called "Four Bandits" in the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1892年7月於香港西醫書院畢業,獲得醫學學士學位的證書副本。English: The photo of the duplicate of Sun Yat Sen's diploma when graduated from the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong, in July 1892 with an M.B. degree.
中文:這是孫逸仙先生在1892年於香港西醫書院畢業後,在澳門鏡湖醫院義診時的廣告。English: A poster announcing Dr. Sun Yat Sen practising medicine in voluntary service at the Jinghu Hospital (Mirror Lake Hospital) in Macao after hois graduation in 1892.
中文:1894年6月,經鄭觀應推薦,孫逸仙偕陸皓東北上天津上書當時清朝的權臣李鴻章,然而卻不被採納。圖為鄭觀應的推薦信。English: The recommendation letter written by Zheng Guanying, with which Dr. Sun Yat Sen and his companion Lu Haodong went to Tianjin(Tientsin) up in the North in June 1894 to submit a memorial to Li Hongzhang stating his views of China's political reform and national situation, but they were not accepted in the end.
中文:1894年6月,經鄭觀應推薦,孫中山偕陸皓東北上天津上書當時清朝的權臣李鴻章,然而卻不被採納。圖為刊於《萬國公報》的上書(部份)。English: Dr. Sun and his companion Lu Haodong went to Tianjin(Tientsin) up in the North in June 1894 to submit a memorial to Li Hongzhang stating his views of China's political reform and national situation, but they were not accepted in the end. The photo is the memorial (part) written by Dr. Sun, published on Wan Guo Gong Bao.
中文:這是孫文先生寫於1897年的自傳手跡。English: Dr. Sun's original handwriting in 1897 - manuscript of his autobiography.
革命時期/Revolution Period/Okres Rewolucji[edit]
中文:這是孫中山先生壯年時的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen's maturity.
中文:這是孫中山先生撰寫的《興中會檀香山成立宣言》。English: Declaration of the Establishment of Xingzhong Hui (Revive China Society), written bt Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
中文:這是孫中山先生流亡日本期間與陳少白(右一)、鄭士良(左一)的合照。English: Dr. Sun with Chen Shaobai (1st from right) and Zheng Shiliang (1st from left) during his exile in Japan.
中文:這是孫中山先生在美國三藩市時所拍的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen during his stay in San Francisco.
中文:這是孫中山先生在倫敦被清政府因禁時,向其於香港西醫書院就學時的老師康德黎所寫的兩封求救短信。English: Dr. Sun's two short letters to his teacher Dr. James Cantile of the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1898年於日本與其友人的合照。前排左起︰安永東之助、楊衢雲、平山周、末永節、內田良平;後排左起︰可兒長一、小山雄太郎、宮崎寅藏、孫中山、清藤幸七郎、大原義剛。English: Dr. Sun together with his friends in Japan, 1898 (front row from left) Tasunaga Tonosuke, Yang Quyun, Hirayama Shu, Suenaga Takashi, Uchida Ryohei; (back row from left) Kani Choichi, Koyama Yutaro, Miyazaki Torazo, Sun Yat-sen, Kiyofugi Koshichiro, Ohara Yoshitaka.
中文:孫文先生在倫敦與日本生物學家南方熊楠結交。圖為1897年6月27日孫中山先生離英前書贈南方熊楠的題詞。English: Dr. Sun Men's inscription to be presented to Minamikata Kumakusu, a Japanese biologist, before leaving England, June 27, 1897 - the latter being his new acquaintance in London.
中文:1899年5月,孫中山在東京與宮崎寅藏等合影。前排左起︰宮川、每水東之助;中排左起︰中野、孫中山、內田良平、紫田麟次郎;後排左起︰原口聞一、井上雅而、宮崎寅藏、平岡、清藤幸七郎。English: Dr. Sun together with his Japanese friends in Tokyo, May 1899 (front row from left) Miyakawa, Maimizu Tonosuke, (central row from left) Nakano, Sun Yat-sen, Uchida Ryohei, Shibada Rinjiro, (back row from left) Harahuchi Bunichi, Inoue Masaji, Miyazaki Torazo, Hiraoka, Kiyofuji Koshichiro.
中文:1900年,孫中山與日本友人在東京合影。左起︰末永節、內田良平、宮崎寅藏、小山雄太郎、清藤幸七郎、孫中山。English: Dr. Sun together with his Japanese friends in Tokyo, 1900 (from left) Suenage Takashi, Uchida Ryohei, Miyazaki Torazo, Koyama Yutaro, Kiyofuji Koshichiro, Sun Yat-sen.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1900年8月時的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in August 1900.
中文:1900年冬,孫中山先生與起義失敗的自立軍骨幹人物在日本東京合影。左起︰尢列、唐才質、孫中山、秦力山、沈翔雲。English: Sun Yat-sen with the backbone figures of the Self-supporting Army in Tokyo, Japan, in the winter of 1900, after the Army failed in an uprising; (from left) You Lie, Tang Caizhi, Sun Yat-sen, Qin Lishan, Shen Xiangyun.
中文:1901年1月,孫中山和尢列(右坐)、侄兒孫昌(左坐)等在日本東京合影。English: Sun Yat-sen with You Lie (seated, right) and his nephew Sun Chang (seated, left) in Tokyo, Japan, January 1901.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1901年於日本所拍的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in Japan, 1901.
中文:這是孫中山先生於1901年1月在日本橫濱會見菲律賓獨立軍代表彭西時所合照。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen with Mario Ponce, who was the representative of the Philippine Independent Army in Yokohama, Japanm January 1901.
中文:1901年1月,美國《展望》雜誌記者林奇赴日本訪語孫中山(右一),傾談惠州起義的情況。這是孫中山在橫濱寓所與林奇(右二)、彭西(後立右一)等的合照。English: Sun Yat-sen meeting G. Lynch, reporter of the American magazine Look (2nd from right) and Mario Ponce (1st from right, standing) in his Yokohama residence in January 1901. They discussed the event of the Huizhou Uprising.
中文:1901年2月,孫中山在日本偕同溫炳臣(右二)赴和歌山市訪問南方熊楠(左二)等時合照。English: Dr. Sun and Wen Bingchen (2nd from right) calling on Minakata Kumakusu (2nd from left) in the city of Wakayama, Japan February 1901.
中文:1901年4月,孫中山和流亡至美國的家人在檀香山合影。中坐孫母楊太夫人、前立次女孫婉、左立兒子孫科、右立長女孫娫;後排左二起︰孫眉夫人譚氏、侄兒細威、長兄孫眉、孫中山、夫人盧慕貞、侄女信霞。English: Sun Yat-sen and his family members who were also in exile to the United States - pgoto taken in Honolulu, April 1901 (his mother Elderly Lady Yang (centre), his second daughter Sun Wan (standing in front)m his son Sun Ke (standing on the left), his eldest daughter Sun Yan (standing on the right); (back row, from 2nd left to right): madame tan, wife of Sun Mei; his nephew Xiwei; Sun yat-sen; his wife Lu Muzhen; his niece Xinxia.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1902年於河南與法國殖民官員的合照。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen with French officials in Hanoi in 1902.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1904年與其侄兒孫昌在檀香山的合照。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen with his nephew Sun Chang in Honolulu,1904.
中文:1904年1月孫逸仙在《檀山新報》上發表的《駁保皇報書》。English: Sun Yat-sen's article Denouncing the Monarchist Press published in the Chinese language newspaper Hawaiian Chinese News in January 1904.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1905年初在巴黎所拍的照片。English: Sun Yat-sen in Paris, 1905.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1905年寫給康德黎夫人的親筆信,信裡談及其在中國留學生中開展革命工作的情況。English: A letter to Mrs. Cantile in Dr. Sun's own handwriting, telling her about his work of launching the revolution among the Chinese students doing studies abroad, 1905.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1905年所拍的照片。English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in 1905.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1905年於日本東京與同盟會秘書長馬君武的合照。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen with Ma Junwu, seretary-general of Tongmen Hui in Tokyo, 1905.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1905年命馮自由、李自重為香港、廣州、澳門等地同盟會主盟人的委托書。English: The document bearing Sun Yat-sen's official seal, commissioning Feng Ziyou and Li Zizhong as head of China Tong-men Hui branches in Hong Kong, Guang zhou and Macao.
中文:1905年11月26日,同盟會機關報 - 《民報》在日本東京創刊。孫文在發刊詞中首次提出由「民族」、「民權」、「民生」三部份所組成的三民主義。圖為《民報》發刊詞。English: On the publication of Min Bao, an article written by Sun Men (The article appeared in the first issue of Ming Bao, meaning "The People's Report", published in Tokyo, Japan, on November 26, 1905, in which Dr. Sun for the first time put forward his great principles of Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood - later known as The Three Principles of the people. The paper is the organ of Tongmen Hui.
中文:1906年4月,孫中山在新加坡成立同盟會分會。圖為孫中山與同盟會新加坡分會正副會長陳楚楠(右)、張永福(左)合影。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen with Chen Chunan (right) and Zhang Yongfu (left), respectively president and vice president of the Singapore Branch of Tongmen Hui, which was established in April 1906.
中文:孫中山與新加坡同盟會會員合照。前排左起︰林幹廷、張永福、陳楚楠、孫中山、尢列、劉金聲、林義順;後排左起︰吳悟叟、張華丹、張繼、陳汝河、鄧子瑜、黃耀廷、張秉庚。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen together with the members of the Singapore Branch of Tongmen Hui, (front row from left) Lin Ganting, Zhang Yongfu, Chen Chunan, Sun Yat-sen, You Lie, Liou Jinsheng, Lin Yishun; (back row from left) Wu Wusou, Zhang Huadan, Zhang Ji, Chen Ruhe, Deng Ziyu, Huang Yaoting, Zhang Binggeng.
中文:1907年3月,孫中山自日本重返新加坡,在晚晴園與同盟會會員合照。前排左起︰張繼、林鏡秋、張永福;二排左起︰林航葦、黃康衢、陳楚楠、黃耀廷、孫中山、尢列、張成忠、張華丹、劉金聲。English: Dr. Sun yat-sen together with members of Tongmen Hui in Wangqing Yuan when he came from Japan to revisit Singapore in March 1907; (front row from left) Zhang Ji, Lin Jingqu, Zhang Yongfu; (2nd row from left) Lin Hangweim Huang Kangqu, Chen Chunan, Huang Yaoting, Sun Yat-sen, You Lie, Zhang Chengzhong, Zhang Huadanm Liu Jinsheng.
中文:1907年3月,孫中山派許雪秋負責籌劃潮州黃岡起義。圖為孫中山在新加坡晚晴園與黃岡起義人員合照。左起孫中山、張永福、萱野長知、陳湧波、林時塽、湯壽山。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen together with the participants in the Huanggang Uprising in Wanqing Yuan, Singapore, March 1907 (He had previously commissioned Xu Xueqiu to be in charge of preparing for an uprising at Huanggang in Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province);(from left) Sun Yat-sen, Zhang Yongfu, Kayano Nagatomomm, Chen Yongbo, Lin Shishuang, Tang Shoushan.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1907年所拍的照片。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen, March 1907.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1907年所拍的照片。English: Dr. Sun Yat-sen, 1907.
中文:這是孫中山先生在1908年所拍的照片。English: Sun Yat-sen, 1908.
中文:孫中山於1908年從新加坡寫給康德黎夫人的英文親筆信,表示決心用武力推翻清廷。English: A letter to Mrs. Cantile that Dr. Sun wrote in English from Singapore, 1908, expressing his determination to overthrow the Qing court with force.
Asia. v.17 (March-December 1917)
His family
The statue of Sun Yat-sen in Honolulu
The statue of Sun Yat-sen in Beijing
Statue of Sun Yat-sen by sculptor Benny Bufano in San Francisco
Seal of president
Sun Yat-sen's original handwriting
Large sculpture of the 國父 in Taipei
Sun Yat-sen and Li Yuanhong in Wuchang, 1912
Si Da Kou (Four Great Gangs, 四大寇)
Blue Sky/White Sun design on ceiling of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
Statue of Sun Zhong-shan in Sun Men Park 孫文紀念公園 in en:Zhongshan, Guangdong
聯俄政策 Joint-Russia Policies[edit]
On January 26, 1923, Sun Yat-sen and the representative of Soviet Russia made a speech on the "Sun–Joffe Manifesto" 1923年1月26日,孫中山與蘇俄代表越飛發表《孫文越飛聯合宣言》
The representative of Soviet Russia Adolf Abramovich Joffe 蘇俄代表越飛 Adolf Abramovich Joffe
The Representative of Soviet Russia Adolf Abramovich Joffe 蘇俄代表越飛 Adolf Abramovich Joffe