The Benefits of Self-Publishing
We’ll say it upfront: Publishing in any form has never been an easy business. Regardless of which route you take, you’re going to have to be a great self-promoter. That means book signings, social media, book readings, and good, old-fashioned word-of-mouth. But if you had the perseverance to write that first book, you can handle it!
So what are some benefits of self-publishing?

Even if you find an agent, and even if that agent finds a publisher (two rather big ifs), it can take years for your book to actually hit the shelves. The self-publishing cycle is much shorter; your book can go from your computer to the shelves in months (or even weeks, if you elect to publish as an ebook).
Traditional publishing is definitely a “survival of the fittest” world. If your book isn’t selling, it’s going to be taken off the shelves before it even has a chance to find an audience. When you self-publish, your book stays available as long as you want it to be available.
Creative control
When you self-publish, you have much more control over the final appearance of your book, including the cover design, size, binding, etc. Does this place the weight of more decisions on your shoulders? Sure—but the final product will be more in line with what you envisioned.
No more gatekeepers
Remember what we said about publishing being a tough business? Well, you know what’s harder than promoting a published book? Promoting an unpublished book. Traditional publishing isn’t about making sure the most deserving books make it to the bookstores—it’s about what the publishers feel they can successfully market. “Why,” their thinking goes, “should we sell 5,000 copies of a thousand authors’ books when we can sell five million copies of one author’s book?” Good-bye, midlist.
Even if your potential audience is just a few thousand people, the residents of your town, or your own family members, self-publishing allows your book to become a reality.
You’ve worked hard, spent hundreds of hours at your desk, and probably sequestered yourself from friends and family to get that manuscript completed. Why let it lie around in your closet or take up space on your hard drive? Self-publishing, with AuthorHouse or on your own, can help you take it across the finish line to your ultimate goal: putting your book into the hands of your readers.
More Resources
Ready to self-publish your book? Get started with our free publishing guide.
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